Welcome to our website

Who are we? People who live in the Buckinghamshire villages of Bourne End, Wooburn Green, Flackwell Heath and the nearby locality, who are no longer in full-time work, and who love the chance to ‘Learn, Love, Live’ (our motto) together. Since our launch in 2018 we now have over 600 members.

What do we do? We set up our own small interest groups, and also meet for monthly talks as well as trips and other activities. Some 50 interest groups exist, from Italian to Golf, Lace Making to Non-Fiction Reading, Bird Watching to Mah-Jong, Graphic Design to Walking. (See the full list here.) Join in as much or as little as you like - all for £16 a year (2025/26).

Not a member? Click here to find out more about us, or contact chair@bourneendu3a.org.uk. Meanwhile, feel free to browse the parts of our site available to visitors - they will introduce you to the range of activities on offer and explain how you can join us.

The tabs above will guide you through the site (you will need to log in to see them all):

  • Welcome - All about us, how to become a member, or how to contact a committee member.
  • Groups - View a list of all our interest groups and the group calendar as well as details of each group.
  • Events - Details of trips and other activities, and our programme of monthly meetings.
  • News - The latest news from our u3a as well as national u3a news, our past newsletters, and the Friends Extra discount scheme.
  • Resources (Login required) - Convenors' resources including the latest risk assessment forms; Links to relevant organisations and websites; History of the u3a nationally and locally; our Constitution, Principles, and Policies; Committee Roles.

If you are logged in, you can also access the parts of our membership system relevant to you by clicking the Control Panel button at the top right.

Do you have an idea for a new group? We are always open to suggestions - you can email us here.