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It's easy to join
Bourne End & District u3a is open to those who are not in full-time work. The subscription for 2025/26 is £16/year or £20/year if you want the u3a national magazine, it runs from April to March, or half that if joining after September. There are several easy ways to join:
- You can complete the Online Application Form below then click "Submit Membership Request" at the end.
- Or you can get in touch with the membership secretary, Tony Radstone, on 07932 725799 or email us.
- Or you can download the Membership Application Form and join by following the instructions. If you don’t have a printer, there are copies in the Library (ask the librarian) and the Community Centre (in the rack opposite the main door).
- Or you can join in person at one of our monthly meetings, held at the Community Centre in Bourne End on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 2pm.)
Online Application Form to join our u3a: